Hello World from Jypsi Bea

WOW!!  I am so over the moon excited I have to share!  I have a dream.. yes that seemed like it was for someone else, not me.  HOWEVER it is for EVERYONE!! 

For over 15 years I have dreamed of what is beginning with this website.   A creative community space that would support the art throught through an affordable recycled ARTABLE process!! 

Although this is the start it is not all that Artable Curiosities will be. 

Here is my vision as I look for a brick and mortar location.  Once that part is setup I will have lived the dream.


Inspiring Artistry, Creativity & Innovation by reimagining waste into value through the use of recycable-artable materials and products


Providing reusable - artable resources

Teaching new life skills through workshops/events

Creating an inclusive multicultural Community through outreach & partnerships  

How to do the above: 

Store front donated reusable – artable materials and products  

Open to public 

Customers can choose to purchase reusable – artable material and products, premade custom products or kits designed to create products that can be made at home.    

Teaching workshops/events  

Reimagining Arts & Crafts 

A.  Constructed Workshops – Artisan lead with focused outcome

B.  Unconstructed Workshops – Artisan supported, self-directed outcome

C.  Emotional Wellness Art Workshops – Soul Touch 

D.  Recycling Workshops/Events that promote Eco Friendly Awareness and Processes

E.  Studio Space Rental 

1.  Birthday Parties

2.  Craft Parties 

3.  Wellness Focused events

4.  Artisan Entrepreneur empowerment & development 

5.  Artisan community groups 

6.  Eco-Friendly workshops/events 

Partnering with programs that promote increasing the awareness and skills for art, eco-friendly methods, & artisan small business development in the local and surrounding communities.