• Support Artable Curiosities today

    Ways to make an Impact :

    "The Community Retail Shop"

    "The Impact Project - Shop for Teachers"

    " The Imaginarium Studio for Art Moments"

  • Financial Contribution

    Artable Curiosities is a 501(c)(3) non-profit powered by supporters and donors like you.

    Please donate now and help us keep creativity affordable in South Texas!

    Your tax deductible gift will help us grow and expand our programming so that more Youth and Adults can explore Art, Educators of public and charter schools recieve FREE materials,

    Artists and Creatives can be supported with affordable tools and supplies,

    and the Community can increase it's creative conservation by giving already made materials a new life.

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  • Materials Donation

    Do you have an abundance of “stuff ” taking up space in your warehouse or spilling out of your supply closet?

    Are you looking for ways to use what your office throws out in a more eco-friendly way?

    Maybe you love it so much you are wanting to let it go, but.. the thought of it going to waste is causing you to hold on to it.

    Share the abundance and be a part of creative conservation and education!!

    Trust us to find the creative partner for your treasures!!


    Are you a retired teacher or no longer teaching? Maybe you have a passion for helping teachers?

    Donate your teaching materials or purchase materials off our suggested list.